Turnkey Sourcing – Experts for procurement consulting and supplier sourcing in Turkey
With 26 years of experience, Turnkey Sourcing has created a comprehensive network of suppliers located in Turkey. With this deep expertise, Turnkey Sourcing helps its customers obtain the products that they want from the Turkish market at a reasonable cost and high level of quality.
Our goal is to establish reliable, transparent, safe, and stable supplier relationships for our customers. Turkey's geographical location provides customers with a competitive advantage based upon shorter delivery times and cost-effective product sourcing.
We know that searching for suppliers in the Turkish market carries significant risks unless you have sufficient experience in the market and the requisite cultural and language skills. Moreover, without on-site presence, misunderstandings can arise and it is difficult to understand the other party’s level of commitment. On-site business dealings are highly recommended in order to not lose time and money unnecessarily.
Taking these considerations into account, we have developed the most suitable sourcing strategy for the Turkish market. With this strategy, we want to provide you with the significant opportunities that the Turkish market has to offer.